Security Statement

Hosted Coriendo solutions come with security to ensure that your data is never compromised.
The security measures at Coriendo include:

Experienced, professional engineers and security specialists dedicated to round-the-clock data and systems protection
Continuous deployment of proven, up-to-date security technologies
Ongoing evaluation of emerging security developments and threats
Redundancy throughout the online infrastructure

Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability:

Coriendo uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as infrastructure. AWS is among the world's largest cloud providers, and many other companies use the Amazon platform. Amazon handles all the infrastructure associated with physical security, such as power, cooling, and internet connections. Amazon offers its AWS hosted in several locations worldwide. However, Coriendo is using the Amazon data centers in the US-East (Virginia).

Infrastructure description :

Application server is hosted on Amazon EC2 virtual servers with Linux Centos Server, Java, Tomcat. Remote access to servers are limited. HTTP and HTTPs web access is allowed. The database is Postgresql 9.3 with access limitation. Web server is using Godaddy SSL certificate. Amazon provides firewalling and filtering services and the Linux based firewall on the web servers allows only SSH, HTTP and HTTPS.

Backup Procedure:

IEvery midnight automated backup script take AWS snapshot of EBS (Elastic Block Store - HDD) and transferred on to AWS s3 service.
Apart from this, the file/folder level data (DB dump, attachments) synchronized to AWS s3 service.
Amazon S3 designed to deliver 99.999999999% durability, and stores the data. S3 provides comprehensive security and compliance capabilities that meet even the most stringent regulatory requirements. It gives customers flexibility in the way they manage data for cost optimization, access control, and compliance.

Operating System Security:

Coriendo enforces tight operating system-level security by minimizing the number of access points to its production servers. We protect operating system accounts with strong passwords, and production servers do not share a master password database. All operating systems are hardened by disabling and/or removing any unnecessary users, protocols, and processes.

Server Management Security:

All data and documents entered into the Coriendo solutions by its customers owned by that customer. Coriendo employees do not have direct access to the production equipment, except where necessary for system management, maintenance, monitoring, and backups. Coriendo does not utilize any managed service providers. The Coriendo systems engineering team provides all system management, maintenance, monitoring, and backups.

Application Security:

Security Model

Our application security model prevents one customer from accessing another's data. This security model is reapplied with every solution and enforced for the entire duration of a user session.

User Authentication

Users access Coriendo hosted solutions only with a valid username and password combination, which is encrypted via SSL while in transmission. An encrypted session ID cookie is used to uniquely identify each user.

Database Security

Whenever possible, database access is controlled at the operating system and database connection level for additional security. Access to production databases is restricted to a limited number of points, and production databases do not share a master password database.